Overview of Corona strongest Infected Countries relative to the Population

The most affected country? You won’t believe it …

Overview of Corona Infected Countries, measured in terms of population, as a percentage of population, in relation to population. (Number of inhabitants)

If you look at the news about the record countries with the most infected Corona (Covid 19) people, the United States, Italy and China show ahead. When you put the whole thing in relation to the number of inhabitants, the USA is only in 19nd place. Still behind Denmark, which is in 21st place. In the first place are countries that are not mentioned in the news.

Italy, the most mentioned country in the news, is only in 7th place. My home country Switzerland is still ahead of Italy and Spain.

Here you will find the collection (list, table, overview) of the most infected countries, as a percentage of the population:


last update: March 29, 2020